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Patent Index 2019 by EPO

EPO recently released the Patent Index 2019, which provides a comprehensive overview of the figures representing recent activity in the global patent system. It also offers insights into the emerging technology trends.

The data in the patent index reflects the positioning of Europe as a key market for the development of new technologies that have resulted in sustained growth in patent filings at the EPO in 2019. In the year 2019, the EPO saw a new all-time high number of patent filings which was 4% more than 2018. This growth was mainly fuelled by an increased number of patent filings from China, the US, South Korea, and EPO states.

Interestingly, the Patent Index 2019 also reveals the top technological fields of 2019. Digital communication saw by far the strongest growth overtaking medical technology for the first time in a decade. This reflects the pace of development surrounding 5G technologies. In this list, the second-fastest-growing field was computer technology. This advancement is due to the innovation and emergence in Artificial intelligence related inventions.

The company rankings in the EPOā€™s Patent Index 2019 also reflected the victorious emergence of digital technologies and related inventions. Huawei topped the table ahead of Samsung, LG, United Technologies and Siemens. The top 10 rankings constitute 4 companies from Europe, 4 from Asia and two from the US.

More details about the EPOā€™s Patent Index 2019 can be accessed here.

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