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Vyomamitra – The Half Humanoid

Vyomamitra is a combination of the Sanskrit word vyoma which means space, and Mitra, which means friend. Vyomamitra is a lady robot introduced on 22nd January at the inauguration of “human spaceflight and exploration- present challenges and future trends.” Before astronauts go on India’s first human-crewed mission to space in 2021, the Indian space research organization (ISRO) will send Vyomamitra in unmanned gaganyaan spacecraft.

Why half-humanoid?

Vyomamitra is a half-humanoid because it only has a head, a torso, and two arms and hands but no lower body with legs.

Functions Vyomamitra can perform:-

She can monitor module parameters, alert humans, perform switch panel operations and perform life support operations. She can also recognize astronauts and respond to them. She will be simulating exactly the human function in space. ISRO chairman Dr. Sivan said they would undertake two unmanned missions in December 2020 and June 2021 before the manned mission in December 2021. She can detect and give warnings if the environment changes within the cabin get uncomfortable for astronauts and change the air conditions. She can take up postures suited for launch and tasks and take commands.

Why Vyomamitra?

Vyomamitra is a prototype of the half-humanoid made for the first unmanned space mission to study how she and later humans respond to living outside earth in controlled zero-gravity. ISRO’s GSLV Mk III rocket proposed to launch humans into space, is being improved to ensure that it is safe to carry a human. The crew module system was also developed for the first test flight in December 2020. Over the next few months, ISRO will conduct several tests to launch and recover the crew module. ISRO’s Vyomamitra will be able to test whether the flight would be safe to carry and bring back the astronauts in 2022.


In India, robotics has already reached an advanced stage where crucial sectors, such as healthcare, utilize technology to enhance their offerings. Robots are also replacing humans in warehouses where jobs are labor-intensive and potentially dangerous. As far as the future of robotics in India is concerned, the picture looks bright with immense potential. Tremendous research is going into the sector, with the technologists working towards inventions such as robotic pets, robotic security guards, and now space robots. This will make things much easier and safer.

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