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World IP Day 2020: WIPO Calls For Case Studies

Every year on April 26th, the IP community worldwide celebrates the World Intellectual Property Day to acknowledge the role of IPRs in fostering innovation and creativity.

WIPO promotes a general theme each year and this yearā€™s theme is ā€œInnovate for a Green futureā€. World IP day 2020 puts innovation and the IP rights that support it at the heart of efforts to create a green future because now people are aware that the choices we make today will shape our tomorrow.

The campaign also celebrates the many inspiring inventors and creators around the world who are betting on a green future and who are using the IP system to support their work and its uptake and use in society.

The IP-fraternity worldwide needs to explore how a balanced and robust IP system can support the emergence of a greener economy that works with and not against the earthā€™s life-support systems.

The 2020 World IP day puts innovation and the rights that support it at the heart of the efforts to shape a low carbon future. Worldwide people are now slowly recognizing the importance of preserving the environment and taking action to tackle climate change.

Specific examples of how individual inventors, companies and other organizations are finding new innovative ways to tackle local environmental challenges ā€“ many of which are globally relevant ā€“ are a powerful reminder of our collective capacity to carve a pathway to a green future and the role that IP rights play in advancing that journey.

This year, WIPO is reaching out to its Member States and other stakeholders to invite them to share information about the remarkable people who are developing local solutions to global problems.

The bullet points mentioned in the notification by WIPO, outline the suggested structure and points of information to be covered in developing a case study/profile for the campaign. Case studies may be sent to the World IP Day Team by e-mail ( Selected case studies will be posted on the World IP Day web page.

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