Industrial Design Patent Registration

A design patent in India is the legal protection given to the creator of a new and original design for his work. This is the incentive given for the creator’s hard work. The purpose is to see that others do not readily imitate the creator’s hard work.
Registration confers upon the registered proprietor the exclusive right to apply a design to the article in the class in which the design is registered.
The essential requirement for registering a design is that the design should be new or original. And also not previously published or used in any country before the date of application for registration.
The design may relate to features of shape, configuration, pattern, or ornamentation applied or applicable to an article.
Registering the design assigns the creator with rights available for 10 years and can be extended further to another five years.
An application for registration of designs can be applied using the appropriate form and paying the prescribed fee along with four sets of design representations.
An online design application filing can also be made using the E-filing portal of CGPDTM. When the application for registration of a Design is in order, it is accepted and registered, and then a certificate of registration is issued to the applicant.
At Intepat, we offer Industrial design patent services that include
-Industrial design search, Inspection of registered design;
-Preparing and filing a design patent application form for registration of a design, responding to examination, and registering your design.
-Assignment of Industrial Design;
-Notice of opposition and petition to cancel the registration of the design; and
-Renewal of design patent registration, Restoration of lapsed design.